вторник, декември 12, 2006

Winter comes like a thief in the night

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Well it has been forever since I updated. What can I say? Life has been moving along very fast for about 8 weeks. You ever get that feeling that your falling through time, the month and weeks pass in seconds, and somehow your missing so much around you? Well thats what its like. Alot has happened, so I will give you the sweetened condensed version.

Had my kitty run away.
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Went to a mountain hut for the weekend.
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Bulgarian Ski Lift (Yes this is opperational)
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Contacted a nasty flu.

Found the kitty after 11 days.

Found out that the nasty, persistant "flu" was really Pneumonia. This is after 2 weeks of being downright cruddy.
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Went to a Soccer match between Sofia Levski and Barcelona in the Champions league. Barcelona won (of course.)
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Kitty ran away again (I swear I dont beat her.)

Spent Thanksgiving with other volunteers and my best Bulgarian friend Alex.
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Went to a big Peace Corps conferance. Saw all the people that I dont make the effort to actually visit. Bored into a coma by endless hours of "seminars."
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Cat found by kind but neighbors who are tired of me losing my cat.

Lots of other stuff has happened but I cant really think of it right now. Things are progressing fastly towards Christmas. Only 1.5 weeks of teaching left. Then my brother Ethan comes to visit, im so excited. I hope you are all having a great Holiday season!